Malgudi Days is an Indian television series based on the eponymous works of Madras born R. K. Narayan. The series was directed by Kannada actor and director Shankar Nag. Carnatic musician L. Vaidyanathan composed the score. R. K Narayan's younger brother and acclaimed cartoonist R. K. Laxman was the sketch artist. The series was made in 1986 by film producer T. S. Narasimhan with Anant Nag as the lead actor.
- Middle School Movie Info
- IMDB Ratings: - 9.5/10
- Languages: Sinhala
- Movie Stars: Master Manjunath, Raghuram Sitaram, Rohit Srinath
- Director: - Shankar Nag
- More Info:- Malgudi Days Tv Series .
- Rip Info
- Movie Quality: LQ-HDTV
- Movie Size: 130MB
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