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Written By muslim on الأحد، 23 يوليو 2017 | 2:51 م

On the final WHM Mail Bag of the season, the gang reads some letters about dating obnoxious Transformers fans, using the wrong film for a Hangover Movie, fathers mistakenly thinking their kids are perverts at the movies, getting grounded for listening to WHM, and weirdos pleasuring themselves in South Carolina second-run theaters! PLUS: Edward Snowden fights the good fight against obscene video store late fees!

The Mail Bag is taking the rest of the summer off, so for September, we want to read your school-related letters on the air! Bad film-themed college parties? Common room movie nights gone wrong? Lazy teachers showing you Fern Gully? We want to hear about it! Write into the Mail Bag: weallhatemovies@gmail.com!

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