"The story revolves round three teenagers - Prageeth, a younger, darker version of Hugh Grant, the son of a business tycoon (Vijaya Corea), whose fiance is Veena (Anarkali Akarsha); Sithum, the son of a Postman (Jayalath Manoratne) is in love with Pooja, (Chathurika Peiris) while Ramith who says he comes from the middle class, and is seduced by his biology teacher who as luck would have it lives in an apartment directly opposite his block of flats, nevertheless, voices every teenagers views of life when he says all he wants to do is to take things easy." (Shape eke jeevath venava).
IMDB Ratings: -
Languages: Sinhala
Movie Stars: - Anarkali Akarsha, Chathurika Peiris, Jayalath Manoratne, Roshan Ranawana
Director: - Udayakantha Warnasuriya
Movie Quality: DVDRip x264
Movie Size: 780MB
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